Thursday, October 28, 2010

...and so it goes.

I just finished my first round of real life Student Led Conferences.

Not the ones where I was just a student teacher observing. No. These were my students sharing work that I gave them. These were students that I see every single day sharing the goals I helped them write.

It was one of the most unexpected experiences I've ever had.

I am so lucky to be where I am this year. I'm teaching 6th grade Social Studies at Stewart Middle School in the Tacoma School District. It's one of the SIG schools in TPSD. They lost about 80% (if not more) of their staff to displacements last year and have completely restructured the school.

The principal for Tacoma's School of the Arts (SOTA) and brand new high school the Science and Math Institute (SAMI) had an incredible vision for a middle school that went along with the SOTA and SAMI model. Thus was born Stewart STEAM school.

We have a heavy focus on science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Our goal is to use these outlets of education to help foster not only improved test scores, but more readiness when it comes to the future. The work has been incredible so far.

Many of us on the teaching staff this year are first year teachers, and most of us have been teaching five years or less. We have a wonderful team that uses collaboration like I've never seen it used before. I've taught many classes with another teacher where we've combined our students into one room and team-taught, and the entire 6th grade humanities (language arts and social studies) team is working on a School Building of the Future where students design a school that best suits student needs and focuses on how they affect the environment. This project integrates social studies issues (environment, needs of people, interaction), math (scale drawing, scale building), technology (computer programs, educational technology), language arts (writing, public speaking), art (physical representations), and architecture (they actually build their buildings!). Working with an entire team on a single project has been both overwhelming and awe-inspiring.

Another way we're going to collaborate, a way that I'm extremely excited about, is during our January Mini-terms. In January, we'll get three weeks to teach a collaborative lesson with another teacher (or two) with only 15 students per teacher. We'll see the same kids for three weeks, all day every day, and put our efforts into a project (which will be displayed Down Town Tacoma for those who are interested!).

I'm so excited about everything we're doing that I want to spill it all onto the keyboard and explode with all the knowledge I want to endow you with! But I'm starting to realize that for the non-teacher, this particular blog is really not that interesting.

In fact, it's probably interesting only to me.

I'd love to share more about my mini-term (Discussions on the Battle of Agincourt during the Hundred Years War and Hamburger Hill during Vietnam-- and the art, literature, media, and theater that came from it!) in a later blog. I'm very excited to work with the drama teacher on that effort.

Please bare with me as I post these long, rambling blogs... it's been two months since I've been teaching and I have so much to share!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Becoming a real boy! Oh... I'm not Pinocchio... becoming a real TEACHER

It's been two months.

Two months ago, I got a call saying, "Ms. Hall! It's Ms. Denman. Have you found a position yet?"

No, I hadn't. Of course I hadn't! I was a teacher freshly-licensed, two months out of school, desperate for a position but with my highest hopes being to sub for the year while I got my foot in the door for a full time position.

But alas, Ms. Sydelle Denman was ecstatic to hear that I didn't yet have a position, because she could think of no one better than me for a Social Studies opening at the school she was co-directing (a fancy word for Assistant Principal) and would love for me to interview with the principal because she just knew he'd love me.

If you know me, you can imagine the look on my face when I got that news. Thank goodness I was house-sitting, alone in my aunt's house, because I was ecstatic; raw chicken in hand (it was dinner time, after all), I squeezed my fists together, let out an exasperated but silent shout for joy, and tossed the chicken into the Alfredo sauce I was baking it into. I tried my best to compose myself. I knew Sydelle, had worked with her at Jason Lee, but I thought it was important to remain as professional as possible.

That was a difficult feat. I barely heard her when she gave me the name of the principal and his phone number. As soon as I got off the phone, I'd forgotten when she said he'd call. I knew it was that night, but I was unsure of when I should be ready to brag myself up. My heart nearly jumped through my chest. I was frantic when I finished making dinner. I called everyone I could think of that would be happy for me, hoping for encouraging words. Their words didn't help calm me down.

The principal didn't call that night. He didn't call the next day, or for a few days. But Sydelle continued to call me and see how I was doing. She checked that I was doing all the official stuff-- letters of reccomendation, the application, background check. Finally, I got a call from Mr. Ketler with a date for my interview. A real life interview for a real life teaching job.

The interview was scheduled for two weeks before school was scheduled to start. It was scheduled for less than a week before I knew about it. But the wonderful Sydelle, who had given me so much confidence, assured me that the position was mine and even asked me to come in and start meeting everyone and getting my classroom set up.

Even after being introduced to the staff, I didn't feel like I had the position just yet. Even after I began setting up my classroom, I wasn't quite sure that it was real. Even after my interview came and went, I wasn't feeling secure.

I set up my classroom. I attended all the meetings. Professional development. It wasn't until one week before school that I got the official call that hired me. It was the following Monday, just days before school was slated to start, that I had my new hire orientation.

The process was stressful, nerve-racking. It was scary. It was surreal.

Now, here I sit, typing this recollection of those couple weeks from the classroom that I see 60 kids a day in. 120 students and I call this classroom our own. I am their social studies teacher.

And I could not be happier.

For once in my life, I love getting up for work in the morning. Even the days I want to go back to bed, I'd never consider it. Playing hooky doesn't even cross my mind. I adore my students, I'm best friends with the staff, and I can't imagine a better place for me.

This school, Stewart Middle School, is such a positive place. The changes that we're evolving through are so incredible.

But that is a blog for another day.